Declaration of Accessibility
The Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS makes the following declaration in accordance with sec. 8 of Act no. 99/2019 Coll., on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications belonging to public sector organisations (hereafter “the Act”).
The Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS ensures that its website is accessible in accordance with the Act.
The Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS further undertakes to make its website accessible in line with EU Directive no. 2016/2102 of 26 October 2016, on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.
This declaration of accessibility relates to the website at the www.euraxess.cz domain and to web pages at third-level sub-domains of ssc.avcr.cz
Conformity with international standards
In accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/2048 of 20 December 2018 on the harmonised standard for websites and mobile applications, this website has been created in line with the following standards:
Harmonized European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08) Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services
International Standard ISO 40500 Web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG)
This website also conforms to the accessibility rules defined in Decree no. 64/2008 Sb., on accessibility.
Accessibility status
This website conforms to the accessibility requirements set out in Czech law, EU regulations and International standards, as detailed above, with the exception of the following content:
Certain types of media content, in particular detailed presentations of scientific research, which are primarily visual, cannot be accompanied by an alternative text that fully covers their content in detail. However, we do always display a summary description from which the user can grasp the main topics covered in the visual information.
Some pages contain links to files, such as presentations or documents, which are accessible whose formats require further software to open them.
Alternative means of obtaining information
If there is information contained in the website that is not accessible or cannot be made accessible, the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS enables users to obtain that information via other means, in accordance with sec. 4, para. 7, of the Act. Users may contact the content administrator of the particular webpage in question using the contact details provided on that particular page, or may contact the website’s technical administrators, who will provide contact details for the relevant content administrator. The content administrators will attempt to provide the required information in a suitable format for the user, as far as this is possible.
Complaints procedure
According to sec. 9 of the Act, anyone may submit a request for correction, if they have reasonable suspicion that the website does not fulfil the criteria set out in sections 4 to 6 or that such an exception is not justified by the reasoning provided (according to para. 8 sec. 1 item b) or para. 8 sec. 3 item c)).
Should you wish to submit such a request to the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS you may do so using the organisation’s contact details provided on the Contacts page or by contacting the website administrator via the email address provided below (see 'Administrator contact').
In accordance with sec. 10, item a) and sec. 11 of the Act, the Ministry of the Interior is responsible for ensuring that organisations bound by the Act conform to the accessibility requirements it sets out. In the case of an unsatisfactory response to a request sent to the web administrators as set out above it is therefore also possible to submit complaints to the Ministry of the Interior. Such complaints should be addressed to the Ministry’s eGovernment department.
Administrator contact
This website is administered by the Centre of Administration and Operations of the CAS. To contact the web administrator please use the following email address: euraxess@ssc.cas.cz
Technical Conception and Realisation
2b, rue Nicolas Bové
L-1253 Luxembourg