Research Ethics
In the Czech Republic all research activities must comply with EU Ethical principles as well as Czech legislation and rules on ethics in research.
If the research activities are undertaken in another country the ethical principles and practise of that country must also be ensured.
Most research organisations in the Czech Republic have their own ethical committees; these check whether all legislative requirements are in place and local, national and international standards in ethics are adhered to. The Czech Republic has signed the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Besides this there are several laws and bylaws which regulate research activities with respect to fundamental ethical principles.
If you have any doubts about compliance with Czech or International ethical requirements, we recommend that you contact your research institution or university in the first instance for advice.
Professional and ethical conduct is expected of all researchers and academics working at Czech research institutions and universities, and any violations of accepted academic research standards should also be reported to the ethical committee of your institution. Plagiarism is not tolerated, and further information on intellectual property rights and procedures related to them can be found here.
Your institution may also have a detailed ethical code that it expects all its researchers to abide by - you should ask about this. For example, the Academy of Sciences has one here, and Charles University in Prague has one (in Czech only) here.