Our Vission
Researchers and family members will have the information, resources and support they need.
Our Mission
EURAXESS Family Network's mission will be to ensure that families that are facing the same challenges can share information, receive and provide mutual support and succeed in long-term integration, all the while creating personal connections among families that understand each other’s experience regarding their daily life, education and future.
The EURAXESS Family Network can be viewed as a network for families and will be founded by families for families. The EURAXESS Family Network will promote family connections for mutual support, information sharing and receiving peer support from families who truly understand their experience or who have already successfully navigated similar challenges. A family learning community in which a researcher family is introduced to or matched as closely as possible with another family who is going through or who has been through similar experiences: new to the country where they are now living and isolated far from home. The EURAXESS Family Network will keep a list of families who are interested in communicating with others. It is all about connecting with other families.
EURAXESS Family Network's mission is to ensure that families that are facing the same challenges can share information, receive and provide mutual support and succeed in long-term integration, all the while creating personal connections among families that understand each other’s experience.
With family networking and social networking, family members are connected with others in similar situations in order to share emotional support, discuss problems, identify resources and just “be there” for one another. EURAXESS is there to walk alongside them.
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