EURAXESS network would like to invite you to an international online Researchers2Businesses Matchmaking Fair "Health, Wellbeing, Climate, Environment & Mobility" that will take place on June 20th, 2022.
The aim of the Researchers2Businesses Matchmaking Fair "Health, Wellbeing, Climate, Environment & Mobility" is to provide researchers with an opportunity to discover a variety of existing career opportunities outside academia and for companies to facilitate the connection with this talent. Approximately 150 doctoral students and researchers from across Europe and beyond are expected to attend.
The agenda of the event is designed flexibly. In the morning, a panel discussion will be followed by 2 blocks of company presentations between 10:00 - 11:00 or 11:20 - 12:20 CEST. In a short, ca 15-minute, presentation, companies will have the opportunity to present their research activities, technological and innovative solutions. In the afternoon, from 13:00 to 19:00 CEST, the focus is on individual 1 on 1 meeting of company representatives with PhD students and postdocs, lasting up to 20 minutes. The number and time of meetings can be adjusted according to personal capacity and availability. Scheduling of individual meetings will be possible in advance as well as during the course of the event based on the agreement of both sides. Within the platform, it is also possible to publish announcements, e.g. job vacancies, proposals for cooperation, etc.
Companies currently not having available open positions for researchers are also welcome. as they can provide PhD students and researchers with a broader perspective about careers in research and they can keep in touch with research talents for any future opportunities.
The event agenda, and further information about the fair goals and opportunities can be found in the attached leaflet and at https://bit.ly/euraxess_matchmaking.
Organisations can register until June 7th, 2022, directly via the platform where the event will take place: https://bit.ly/euraxess-R2Bfair-companies-registration.
Participation in the event is free of charge.
The EURAXESS Network is looking forward to your participation and fruitful cooperation.